An Irreplaceble Year in USA

This is a mini story of our last year exchange journey is the USA. People might think that being an exchange student is kind of uncertain, scary, unsafe, being so far away from home but it is not like that. Being an exchange student is full of every emotions experiences and thoughts human could have acknowledge, and we could say this might be the most wonderfully amazing, memorable experience we have ever had in our entire life.

Pink was an exchange student of YES program, he spent her unforgettable exchange year memories in Gilroy, California. She was attended to Christopher High School for her sophomore year there.

Her host family was totally amazing, there are host father, host mother, and two cute little boy and girl which she loves them so much. She joyed School Volleyball team for the spring season and also swims for swimming club in summer season. She enjoyed meeting some new friends and the unforgettable friendship. Everything was undoubtedly new and different, including the routine, school life and culture. She only had passed through all those difficulties just to learn that these experiences were absolutely irreplaceable.

Poohmai was an exchange student from OEG Program. She spent her amazing exchange year in Virginia State USA. She was a sophomore in Jefferson Forest High School, Forest, Virginia. She said this school was so big. She enjoyed meeting new people and making new friends. She did not joy any sport teams but she did tryout most of them such as tennis, soccer, basketball, track, swimming and cheer leading, she said it was so fun doing all of that. She also joyed Choir class which she said that it was the best class ever! It was a class full of amazing people, people are so friendly and teacher was very nice.

Her host family was so amazing too. There are host father host mother, two host sisters and host brother and a dog, they were very nice with her. She said the first time she got here she was so deep homesick she said she cried almost first 3 months she said it was tough being alone in nowhere new house new places new country new culture new friends new people new way of life. She said it was very difficult to adjust to all of those thing in the very first three months, and after she had friends and adjust to everything, everything changed she said if that possible she could spend more year there. she said exchange year made her grow up, her perspective of life changed, the way she think the way she speaks the way she take care of herself changed into a good way.

She said before she came to the US she was barely do anything by herself she said she was treated like princess for her entire life ,she have never do anything for herself such as chores etc.. Her way of life changed in a good way. She said being and exchange student only challenge you for the first three months if you fight against the most tough moments in your exchange year you should be proud of yourself because this is what exchange year be like you have to grow up and take care of yourself you have to learn to except things you have to be open-minded you have to do everything that made you feel graceful and regret nothing of your exchange year and you have to collect every single memories of each days of your exchange year because this is the experience that will ever happened only once in your life and it is not a year in your life but it is a life in one year that will be the most amazing memories that you will never ever forget in your teenage life.

Here’s some link you guys can check this out!

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it is not a year in one life, it is a life in one year. -formal exchange student-

Could anyone imagine of being abroad for a year by yourself? I’d never thought this would come up in mind. It was in  freshman year of high school that the teachers signed us to take the test by the exchange student program, just to testify our scores. And as the same time my sister’s friends got back from their exchange year. They looked inspired, confident, and some how different! They told us how wonderful it was.

“It’s not a year in one life, but it’s a life in a year.”- formal exchange student-

There were nine of my friends(from the same school)  who had decided to experience their life abroad. Who would that it wasn’t easy at all. I was having a hard time working on the application papers, filled the personal information, completed the vaccinations, written essay. For me that feeling while waiting for any host family to pick up my name, the one that I could possibly fit in perfectly was the one I was so patient and worried as the sane time. My friends got the calls one after another, but none for me. It was in August 2013, the time for most departures. Then I got an email from my  host family. They surprised me with my departure date. They said it will next week. I was shocked. I didn’t think it would be this hurried. I was not prepared. I changed the date to two weeks. It was a precious two weeks. I went shopping to buy identity Thai stuffs. I was ahead of my self to think that some will be for my future friends. I didn’t have much time to think through.

Our journeys begin!